14 Days Uganda birding safari

This 14 Days Uganda birding safari: will take you to different places like Lake Mburo, Queen Elizabeth, Kibale and Murchison Falls National Park for all your birding experience and looking out for different bird species. Overcast conditions might occur, Uganda being surrounded by tropical rain forests and fresh water bodies it can rain any time of the day and year, so you are recommended to carry a light rain jacket, hat and hiking shoes. Walking conditions will be relatively easy but trails anywhere may be muddy depending on how recently it has rained. 

Travel Schedule

Day 1: Arrival at the Airport

Day 2: Birding in Mabamba

Day 3&4: Birding in Lake Mburo National Park

Day 5&6: Birding in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Day 7: Birding in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Day 8: Whole day birding in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Day 9: Birding in Kibale National Park

Day 10: Birding in Kibale National Park

Day 11: Birding in Murchison Falls National Park

Day 12: Birding in Murchison Falls National Park

Day 13: Birding in Entebbe

Day 14: Departure

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival at the Airport

Arrival at the airport and check in at your respective lodge/hotel. Given time, we shall bird around the Botanical Gardens. Special birds here include; Ross’s Turaco, Red-chested sunbird, African hobby, Brown and grey parrot, Brown crowned Tchagra, the orange weaver is the key along Lake Victoria and much more. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge.


  •  Innophine Hotel (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 2: Birding in Mabamba

Early breakfast and transfer to Mabamba swamp 50 km west of Kampala. Bird en-route to the swamps look out for papyrus specialties such as the Papyrus Gonolek, White winged warbler, Northern brown throated weaver to mention but a few. We shall later have lunch and move to Mabamba swamps most of the birding here is done while canoeing as we look out for the rare Shoebill Stork, African water rail, Allen’s and purple Gallinule, Goliath, Grey herons, a variety of Egrets, Ducks etc. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge.


  •  Innophine Hotel (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 3&4: Birding in Lake Mburo National Park

This park has got a mosaic habitat of rock outcrops, dry hillside, open and wooded savanna, forests, galleries, swamps. A variety of habitats have contributed to the avifauna diversity and 313 bird species have been recorded in the park including; Red faced barbet, Long tailed Cisticola, Papyrus yellow warbler, African fin foot, Black collared barbet, Brown chested plover, white winged tit, Northern brown throated weaver, White winged warbler. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge for two nights.


  •  Rwonyo Rest Camp (Bed and Breakfast)

Day 5&6: Birding in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

After breakfast, we shall drive to Bwindi; which is the bird watchers haven! It holds 348 species of birds among which 90% of the Albertine rift Endemic are here i.e short-tailed, rusty-faced and Grauer’s rush warblers, bar-tailed trogon, Wilcock’s Honey-guide, Yellow-eyed black fly-catcher, Kivu Ground Thrush, White tailed Blue Monarch among others, which are difficult or impossible to see in any other part of East Africa. An experienced bird watcher can identify up to 100 species in a day and more. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge where you will spend 2 nights.


  •  Gorilla Resort (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 7: Birding in Queen Elizabeth National Park

After breakfast, we will drive South wards to Queen Elizabeth National Park. This is the second largest park in Uganda. It has an excellent variety of bird hotspots that can be seen and these include; Pelicans, skimmers, kingfishers, Thick-knees, storks, Martins, Swallows, Weavers, Canaries, Kites and many grassland specialties. We shall arrive in time for lunch as we wait for an evening bird expedition which is usually very productive. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge.


  •  Isasha Tented Camp (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 8: Whole day birding in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Whole day birding in the park looking out for the Grey-headed kingfisher, Swamp flycatcher, Black-headed Gonolek, Grey-capped warbler, Slender-billed, yellow-backed, Black headed, Lesser Masked and Golden Backed Weavers, Yellow Fronted and Brimstone Canary. We take an early morning game drive towards the famous Kasenyi track, winding through grassland dotted with trees and nearby crater lakes. Our main aims to locate Lions and other mammals including Buffalo, Ugandan Kob (an antelope that resembles impalas), Oribi, waterbuck, bushbuck and family groups of African elephants. Along the road we may find Scaly Francolin, Red-necked Spurfowl, several plovers, Harlequin Quail and common Button Quail. Larks are numerous and include, Red-capped, Ruffous-napped, Flappet and the local White-tailed. Raptors include Martial Eagle, Banded Snake Eagles and Bateleur. In the afternoon we embark on a boat trip down the Kazinga Channel. This incredible area for water birds will afford stunning views of African Skimmer, Pink-backed Pelican, Saddle-billed, African Open Billed and Yellow Billed Stork, Hamerkop, African Spoonbill, Water thick-knee, and over-summering Palearctic migrants. In the evening before dinner we will try a night drive with in the peninsular searching for Gabon and Slender-tailed Nightjars. Later go back to the lodge for dinner and overnight.


  •   Ishasha Tented Camp (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 9: Birding in Kibale National Park

After breakfast this morning, we will drive to Kibale Forest National Park birding on the way. This is a few hours’ drive and therefore birding along the way or afternoon birding in the forest is rewarding. Check in at the lodge for dinner and overnight.


  •   Primate Lodge (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 10: Birding in Kibale National Park

Today we will spend our full day at the Kibale Forest National Park with birding and Chimp tracking. After breakfast, we enter the forest and do birding. The forest is home to the Scaly Francolin, Marsh Tchagra, Black-bellied Seedcracker, Green-backed Twinspot, Bicoloured Mannikin, White-napped,Green and Afep Pigeon, Narina’s Trogon, Joyful Greenbull, Olive long-tailed Cuckoo, Black Bee-eater, Blue-headed Coucal, Blue-breasted kingfisher, Scaly-throated Honeyguide, Rufous Flycatcher Thrush and Black-faced Rufous Warbler, Brown and Scaly Breasted Illadopsis, on a lucky day the Green Breasted Pitta will be presnt. After lunch we assemble at the chimp tracking briefing ground, where we will all learn the required procedures. Kibale Conservation Area has 13 species which are both nocturnal and diurnal beating the world record as the highest concentration compared to any forest. These include Chimpanzee, Red colobus Monkey, Grey-cheeked Mangabeys, Red-tailed Monkey, Blue Monkey, Olive Baboon, Black and White Colobus Monkey, Valvet Monkey and Galagos, Pottos, to mention but a few. Dinner and over stay night will be at the lodge.


  •  Primate Lodge (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 11: Birding in Murchison Falls National Park

After breakfast, drive to Murchison Falls National Park birding on the way and carry packed lunch or have lunch at Hoima Kolping hotel. This is a long drive with a few birding stops. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge for two nights.


  •  Sambiya River Lodge (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 12: Birding in Murchison Falls National Park

Today, we will spend the whole day birding at Murchison Falls National Park. After breakfast we cross the river for a game and birding drive on the Northern section of the mighty River Nile. If we stay at Sambiya there are very good chances of seeing the Nightjars among others the pennant winged Plain and Swamp not leaving out Owls and early cats like the Leopard, Lion civets etc. Lunch will be a picnic after which we proceed for a boat cruise to the bottom of the falls. Key species of Murchison Falls include, Bat Hawk, Red-necked Falcon, Spotted Morning Thrush, Silver bird, Bronze-tailed, Lesser Blue Eared, Splendid and Ruppel’s Long Tailed Starling, Beautiful Sunbird, Northern Red Bishop, Rock, White-rumped seedeater, Black-billed barbet, Grey-headed Olive back, White-crested Turaco, Egyptian Plover, Bruce’s Pigeon, Pel’s Fish Owl, Carmine, Swallow Tailed, Little, Blue Cheeked and Red Throated Bee-eater, Brown-backed Woodpecker, White-fronted Black chat, Cabanis’s and Brown-rumped Bunting, Black-rumped and Fawn Breasted Waxbill and Bar-breasted, Fireflinch, Abyssinian, Broad billed and Rufous-Crowned Roller, on the water the Four-banded Sand grouse and Rock Pranticole are often sighted among others. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge.


  •  Sambiya River Lodge (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 13: Birding in Entebbe

After early breakfast we transfer to Entebbe Botanical Gardens in search for different bird species like the White Headed Barbet, Cardinal and Nubian Wood Pecker, Ross’s Turaco, African Green Pigeon, Egyptian goose, African Paradise Flycatcher, little egrets, black and white casqued hornbills, hamerkops, red chested sunbirds among others. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge.


  • Innophine Hotel (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 14: Departure

Depending on the scheduled departure flight, you will be dropped off at the Airport to set off back home.



  • Ground transport
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Chimpanzee tracking permits
  • Meal as per itinerary
  • Entrance fees
  • Services of an English-speaking bird guide
  • All mentioned activities expect for the optional ones


  • International flights
  • Visas
  • Travel insurance
  • Personal expenses: alcohol, laundry services and souvenirs
  • Tips

What to pack during your birding Trip

  • Hat
  • Boots
  • Camera
  • Binoculars
  • Field Guide book
  • Repellants 
  • Appropriate clothes for birding

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