The Caracal (Felis caracal)

The Caracal (Felis caracal) The Caracal (Felis caracal): is a medium-sized wild cat that can run up to 50 miles per hour. It is also capable of leaping into the air and knocking down (10-13) birds at once. The name caracal is derived from a Turkish word “Karakulak” meaning “black ear”. The old saying “to […]

African Leopards (Panthera pardus)

African Leopards (Panthera pardus) African Leopards (Panthera pardus)  : are one of the most feared but respected animals in the world. In Uganda; it is called Ngo (Luganda tribe) also one of the 52 totems of Buganda, Eris (Iteso tribe) and Engwe (Bakonjo tribe). Leopards are generally big cats known for their golden, spotted bodies […]

The Standard-winged nightjar

The Standard-winged nightjar The Standard-winged nightjar : (caprimulgus longipennis) is a nocturnal bird and of the more impressive members of the Caprimulgid family. This specie breeds in dry savannah habitat of central Africa. However, it is related to other nightjars in terms of breeding strategies, roosting, feeding habits and vocalizations. During the breeding season, the […]